Presbyteral Installation Rite West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod |
The installation ritual is more complicated than your
typical Sunday mass (though not nearly as complicated as
Easter vigil). That we install infrequently (not to
mention the variant practices among synods) adds to our
general sense of not knowing exactly what to do. The
rubrics, of course, are a great aid, but even they need to
be deciphered when it comes to various adiaphora. This
page will, hopefully, help you navigate the complexities.
LogisticsVenueInstallations should normally be held in the setting of
the ministry into which the presbyter is being installed. If the call is to a single congregation, then the church building of that congregation makes sense. Calls to multiple-point parishes usually force a choice between the sites. Non-congregational ministries might involve a chapel or common room in a college, hospital, or nursing home. A ministry based in a church camp warrants a service on that camp's grounds. Some ministries have no particular place associated with them, opening the door to any venue that is on the general territory of that ministry. This is all, of course, flexible and various practical
and political necessities may come into play. Preparing the SpaceWhat follows assumes the installation will take place in
a church building. If not, appropriate and reasonable
adjustments should be made.
TimeAn installation for a congregational ministry should not
be held during the regular Sunday morning service. An
installation, while primarily a service of the
congregation, is also a service of the synod. Timing
should be such that neighboring congregations and clergy
may reasonably attend. It has been the practice in WV-WMD
to invite the conference associated with the ministry to
the installation. Think about drive time and other travel
issues related to time of year, weather, etc.
Preferred times are
Certain times of year should be avoided. Holy Week, for
example, is an awful time for an installation. Holy
Saturday is prohibited. Consult with the bishop before fixing a date and time. In some cased, the bishop will not be able to install because the date demanded conflicts with the bishop's schedule. In such cases, the bishop normally directs the dean of the conference to install. The service may have to be planned around the bishop's or dean's schedule. Feeding the 5,000While not required, it is customary that some sort of
refreshment be provided. This has ranged from light
refreshments (punch and cake) to a full-blown dinner at
the local Knights of Columbus. Famously, pizza and ice
cream were once served at the Lutheran Campus Chapel in a
bid to be thoroughly contextual. Many congregations will
ask for an RSVP to get a rough estimate for planning
purposes. Dramatis personae
Order of Service
When the installation is set in the mass, the
order of service is as follows.
The appropriate installation rite may be downloaded for
your study from the links at the bottom of the table of
contents on this page.
Slight modification of the order of service is required
for use in this synod:
A sample order for an installation set in the mass is at
If the installation is to be set in Service of the Word,
Matins, or Vespers, consult with the bishop for details on
the form.
The Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness is used.
The Kyrie is used.
The Gloria is used when the bishop is present.
The rite for installation includes an appendix with
suggested pericopes. Any of the suggested pericopes work,
but the presbyter being installed my select pericopes
outside the list.
The liturgical propers for the mass (i.e., prayer of the day, verse [Gospel acclamation], preface, etc.) for installation are included in the appendix just mentioned. If a proper offertory is desired, any of the following offertories may be used:
Brief Order for Confession &
Forgiveness |
The Confessor should lead the
penitential rite from the customary place for the
given space. If that is the crossing, or chancel, or
some other place toward the front of the sanctuary,
the Confessor may, after completing the penitential
rite, either remain at the front of the sanctuary to
one side and await the procession, or the Confessor
my come to the narthex via the side aisle or an
outdoor route. |
Processional Hymn |
The procession forms outside the nave
in the following order:
Gradual & Gospel |
A Gospel procession is optional. If incense is used, the bishop censes the Book of the Gospels prior to it being taken in procession or otherwise used for the reading. If there is a deacon among the assisting ministers, the deacon reads the Gospel. |
Hymn of the Day |
During the Hymn of the Day, the
cathedra is placed, and the installation party (the
presbyter being installed, presenter, installing
officer, an assisting minister, and an acolyte [if
the bishop is installing]) take their places at the
center interface of the crossing and chancel:
Presentation of the Pastor |
The sponsor presents the one being
installed at the invitation of the bishop. After
doing so, the presenter may remain or return to
his/her seat. |
Address to & Interrogation of the
Presbyter |
The presbyter being installed remains
standing in the crossing, facing the bishop. |
Interrogation of the Assembly |
The presbyter being installed turns
and faces the congregation. |
Commission |
The presbyter being installed turns
and faces the bishop. |
Blessing |
The presbyter being installed kneels. |
Prayer of the Church (Prayers of
Intercession) |
The pastor being installed may
prostrate for the prayers (which is ill-advised if
the pastor will have significant difficulty rising
from prostration) or remain kneeling, but this is
optional. The pastor may otherwise stand. |
Conferral of the Instruments of
Ministry |
Those participating in the conferral
of the instruments of ministry take their positions
at font, pulpit, and altar. The bishop escorts the
presbyter being installed to each station in turn,
the representative of the congregation at that
station reciting the appropriate words when the
presbyter being installed arrives at that station. OR ――――――――― The bishop or a representative of the congregation hands the shell, Bible, and paten & chalice to the presbyter being installed without leaving the crossing. When this is done, the presbyter being installed will need to have a small credence at hand to place the instruments of ministry upon or people to hand the instruments to (because the presbyter being installed cannot physically hold all three at the same time). OR ―――――――――― Combining both, a shell, Bible, and paten & chalice may be given to the presbyter being installed as he/she reaches each station. |
Acclamation |
The presbyter being installed returns
to the crossing and faces the congregation. |
Pax |
All return to their places or
stations if they have Eucharistic duties. |
Recession |
Recession is in the same order as the
procession. |
Postlude |
Clergy should not divest. It is
traditional to get a group photo, so clergy should
make their way to the crossing for a photo. |
The liturgical color for an installation is the color of
the day. Red, for example, is not used unless it is a red
day (e.g., Pentecost or a martyr's feast). If the
one being installed has a desire for a color other than
the usual color for the day, find a martyr (if red is
desired) or a non-martyred saint (for white) or some other
feast to justify the color sought, and include it in the
observance of that day in some way.
Sample Bulletin Content
When the installation is set in the mass, the
order of service may be rendered as follows in
the bulletin.
OR ――――――
It is not necessary to print out the installation rite in
full in the worship bulletin. Instead, a very simple
listing suffices (see examples at right).
The few things that are to be said by the congregation
are thoroughly cued by the installing officer—in other
words: there is nothing the congregation needs to have in
print for their participation in the service, and it would
serve them better to pay attention to the words in the
action as it happens rather than to have their faces
buried in their bulletins. In fact, printing out the
installation rite is strongly discouraged as it increases
cost in terms of labor and material resources while
providing occasion for formating and textual errors.
Those with special roles in the service (e.g., the
presenter and the presenters of the instruments of
ministry) should have, at least, index cards with their
lines written out for them.
Consult the bishop.
The synod will advertise the installation on The
Bishop's Roadshow, Facebook, and,
assuming the necessary details are provided Synod HQ.
Along with this, all conference presbyters and deacons
will receive a notice.
The congregation (and one being installed) will want to
think about inviting the following: