Worship Norms for Ecumenical
West Virginia-Western
Maryland Synod |
The following provides norms for worship in WV-WMD Synod
Congregations served by presbyters/pastors of
ecumenical-partner denominations.
According to all full-communion agreements entered into by
the ELCA and also the standard for dispensation for local
alter & pulpit fellowship with members of church bodies
subscribing to the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, worship
(and other aspects of ministry) conducted in ELCA
congregations by authorized non-ELCA ministers of Word &
Sacrament is to be conducted under the standards of the
ELCA. As practices are not identical (a situation
exacerbated by the recent pandemic), the following are
enumerated to avoid misunderstanding. Use of the Means
of Grace: A Statement on the Practice of Word and
Sacrament (1997) should be reviewed by all ministers
of Word & Sacrament providing worship ministry in ELCA
Baptismal Practice
As to element: Water is to be used in baptism.
As to form: The baptism may be administered by either
immersion or affusion. The Trinitarian baptismal formula is
to be used without deviation, saying, "[Name], I baptize you
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
As to presidency: The pastor loci the normal
minister of baptism. The pastor loci may, however,
invite another minister of Word & Sacrament of the ELCA
to preside. This invitation may also be extended to
ministers of Word & Sacrament who qualify for
exchangeability under the standing full-communion
agreements. See the discussion of baptism in case of
emergency infra.
As to time and place: Baptism is normally
administered during the principal worship service of the
congregation, but, for practical and pastoral reasons,
baptism may be administered at another time. For practical
and pastoral reasons, baptism may be administered at a place
other than the church. Reasons for dispensation from the
norm should be few.
In case of emergency: When the baptismal candidate is
in periculo mortis (immediate threat of death),
baptism should not be withheld. When a minister of Word
& Sacrament cannot is not present (and cannot arrive in
time when summoned), a lay person should baptize, reporting
immediately the baptism to the minister of Word &
As to multiple baptisms: No one is to be baptized
more than once.
As to conditional baptism: In some cases, a person
may not know whether they have been baptized. Effort should
be made to determine whether the person has been baptized.
If it cannot be determined, baptize, employing the
conditional formula: "[Name], if you have not been baptized,
I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit."
As to baptism of those who were purportedly baptized in
heretical bodies: This is complicated as there is a
variety of baptismal practices among the heretics. Some
heretical baptisms we accept. Others we do not accept.
Contact the bishop for guidance.
Eucharistic Practice
As to the material cause: bread and wine are to be
used. Grape juice is permitted for those who cannot take
the wine, but it is not preferred. No other elements shall
be used.
As to formal cause: The verba (Words of
Institution) is to be recited as indicated in the approved
liturgies without variation in such a manner as it can be
heard by those in attendance. During the recitation of the
verba, the elements are to be on the altar and
indexed by the recitation of the verba. Only those
elements that have been thereby consecrated are to the
distributed. Consistent with this norm, the elements are
not to distributed to the recipients prior to the
consecration (e.g., before the service begins). The
verba may be set within a Eucharistic prayer (as
provided for in the approved liturgies), and doing so is
As to the offering of both species: While a
recipient may receive by concomitance, both species are to
be offered.
As to so-called virtual communion: There shall be
no employment of the the so-called virtual communion.
As to the communing of those who have not been
baptized: In keeping with the practice of the
ancient church and historic Lutheran norms, only the
baptized are to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's
As to the communing of those excommunicate: Those
under excommunication in their own church should not be
communed without pastoral counsel.
As to lay presidency at the altar: While the laity
may assist in the distribution of the Sacrament, lay
presidency at the altar is precluded.
The only creeds to be used in worship are those symbols
enumerated in the Book of Concord, i.e., the
Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian
Creed (Quicunque vult).
In baptism and confirmation, the Apostles' Creed is to be
Conclusion & Questions
Periodically one encounters an ELCA congregation where
these norms are not followed. This is usually the
consequence of ignorance and/or a previous pastor
willfully deviating from norms. Regardless of the source,
the norms enumerated above are to followed under the terms
of ecumenical service.
Questions should be directed to the bishop.
West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod, ℅
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 309 Baldwin Street, Morgantown,
WV 26505
304-363-4030 + Porter@WV-WMD.org