Worship Aids
Liturgy for Lent


This page covers liturgy related to Lent, excluding Ash Wednesday and Holy Week (which have their own pages).

The page is divided into two main sections:

If you have not reviewed the general information on planning liturgy, worship appointments, etc., please do so at our Worship Aids page.

If you are looking for matters related to worship appointments (e.g., colors, candles, decorations, etc.), visit the Appointments for Lent page.

Making It Simple

We provide here downloadable MS-Word templates of the liturgy that you can easily copy & paste into your own bulletin and modify for local usage. These templates have the names of the elements of the worship service accompanied by their respective page numbers. They are not fully-printed services, as providing that would be a copyright infringement. This format can be used in accompaniment with your hymnals.

When a layperson leads the worship service, some modifications are required; these can be reviewed on our Liturgical Modifications for Lay Leadership page.

Lutheran Book of Worship (1978)
With One Voice (1995)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006)
Morning Prayer (Matins)

Morning Prayer (Matins)
Service of the Word
Service of the Word and Prayer
Service of the Word
Holy Communion without Holy Communion (Ante-Communion)

Holy Communion (Mass)
Holy Communion (Mass)
Holy Communion (Mass)

Evening Prayer

Special Notes

Alleluias, the Gloria, and the Dignus est

Alleluia is neither said nor sung during lent. An exception to this is the recitation of psalms in which the word Hallelujah appears, as this is part of the biblical text.

Neither the Gloria nor the Dignus est ("This is the feast...Worthy is Christ...") are used during Lent, even on communion Sundays.


Processions may be suspended during Lent. That said, the construction of the sanctuary may make it impossible for the chancel party or choir to reach their places without passing through the midst of the assembly. Alternatives include
  • entering in procession in silence,
  • using a side aisle rather than the central aisle,
  • employing a Lenten processional such as Attende Domine, a litany, or a Lenten introit, or
  • having members of the chancel party simply take their places as they are individually ready.
If there is no procession, there should be no recession. If there is a modified procession, the recession should match.

Weddings, Baptisms, and Confirmation

Historically, weddings were not held during Lent. That said, few couples consider this in their planning, and most people simply won't want to maintain this discipline—though more than a few will make sure not to schedule a wedding for the same day as a WVU football game. At the very least, weddings should not be done during Holy Week. Even if there is little concern for the somber and solemn nature of that week, it should be remembered that the clergy, altar guild, musicians, and custodians are more than a little occupied with the religious observances of that week.

With respect to baptism, the first division is between infants and non-infants.

  • In the case of non-infants, baptism should be administered at the Easter Vigil (or soon into the Easter season). If, however, the baptismal candidate is in periculo mortis (danger of death), baptism should not be withheld but immediately as an emergency baptism. If you can schedule the baptism for a Sunday morning, it is not an emergency; wait until the vigil, and use the season of Lent as a time of catechesis.
  • In the case of infants, baptism should not be postponed, assuming the infant is being brought to the font soon after birth. If the infant is already several months old, e.g., there seems to be little reason not to wait until the end of Lent.
Among some Lutherans, Palm Sunday was the traditional day for confirmations. This was done so that the confirmands might commune on Easter Sunday. N.B., there are a few things behind this that no longer pertain: 1) Holy Communion was usually administered four times a year; 2) one could not commune until one was confirmed. As children are admitted to the table before confirmation, and communion is often administered with greater frequency, holding confirmation on Palm Sunday is no longer justifiable, especially given the way in which it can overshadow the central themes of the day.


Responsory for LentResponsory for Vespers

Looking for a little something extra to enrich your vespers service? Consider inserting the Lenten responsory after the lesson(s).

What's a Responsory?

A responsory is a short sung (or spoken) recitation of Scriptures. If you've prayed compline, you've already used a responsory. That's right: Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit (In manus tuas, Domine) is a responsory.

While the text of compline's In manus tuas, Domine, is invariable, the responsories for vespers change with the seasons and for feast days and festivals. There is a responsory for Lent (I Said, Lord, be merciful to me) and a responsory for Holy Week (We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you).

Using the Responsory with Our Current Rubics

The rubrics in both the LBW and the ELW provide the place for the responsory is after the lesson(s) but before the versicle, but the associated resources don't provide the responsories themselves. Fortunately, you can read more about the use of the responsory and download images that you can cut and paste into your bulletin (or simply transcribe) from our Liturgical Extra | The Responsory page.

Introits for Lent and the Names of the Sundays

Just like Advent, each Sunday in Lent has a Latin name drawn from the introit that was historically employed at the beginning of the litugy (cf. Introits for Advent). Until the introduction of the Lutheran Book of Worship (1978), these Latin names remained in use (from Luther's day through the tenure of the Service Book and Hymnal (1958).

Modern Name
Historic Name
Introit (SBH)
First Sunday in Lent
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him : I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him : and show him my salvation.
Ps. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High : shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Glory be to the Father,  and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost : as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Second Sunday in Lent
Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindness : for they have been ever of old.
Let not mine enemies triumph over me : redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.
Ps. Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul : O my God, I trust in thee ; let me know not be ashamed.
Glory be to the Father....
Third Sunday in Lent
Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord : for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.
Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me : for I am desolate and afflicted.
Ps. Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul : O my God, I trust in thee; let me know not be ashamed.
Glory be to the Father....
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her : all ye that love her.
Rejoice for joy with her : all ye that mourn for her.
Ps. I was glad when they said unto me : let us go into the house of the Lord.
Glory be to the Father....
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Judge me, O God : and plead my cause against an ungodly nation.
O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man : for thou art the God of my strength.
Ps. O send me out thy light and thy truth : let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill.
Glory be to the Father....
Sixth Sunday in Lent
(Palm Sunday)
Be not thou far from me, O Lord : O my Strength, haste thee to help me.
Save me from the lion's mouth : and deliver me from the horns of the unicorns.
Ps. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me : why art thou so far from helping me?
Glory be to the Father....

All the introits for the church year (as found in the Lutheran Common Service tradition) are printed in the Service Book and Hymnal (1958), beginning on p.75. The publishing house at the time of the SBH also sold introit books with music for choir. These introits continue to have music composed for them. You can search the web and find everything from unison singing for the congregation to SATB arrangements for choir. You will also find the texts in modern English. You can also find several historic arrangements that are in the public domain on the web with a little effort. It is also possible to set them to the psalm tones.

The introit was the first liturgical element of the historic western mass form. Literally, the Latin introitus means entrance. During the introit, the worship leaders would process into the sanctuary. Luther retained the introit in the 1523 Formula Missae (his reworking of the Latin mass) but replaced it with a hymn (based on the introit psalm if possible) in the 1526 Deutsche Messe (his German Mass). Muhlenberg's 1748 liturgy followed the pattern of the Deutsche Messe, and this remained standard among General Synod and General Council Lutherans until the Washington Service was introduced in 1869. The Common Service, introduced in 1888, made the use of the introit explicit but, at the same time, retained the singing of an opening hymn. This strange doubling of the introit/entrance hymn was eliminated in the LBW (1978) when the psalm, which was embedded in the introit, was given its own place between the first and second reading. The entrance hymn remained, the introit was functionally moved to a place among the lessons, and, at the same time, the first reading from the Old Testament was added (as the earlier form only had an epistle and a Gospel).

If one wants to reintroduce the introits for Lent, one might consider the following:

  • Use the introit in place of the entrance hymn. Even if one does this to a simple psalm tone, it can add to the solemnity of the service, especially if used in procession.
  • Have the choir, a small group of singers, or a soloist sing the introit as the last prelude piece before the service.

The traditional form breaks the introit down into two main parts, the antiphon and the psalm (with Gloria Patri). Let's look at the antiphon for Invocabit:

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:
     I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him:
     and show him my salvation,
Psalm (with Gloria Patri)
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High:
     shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost:
     as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

The Common Service rubrics indicate that the choir shall sing the introit (or the minister may say it), the introit concluding with the congregation joining in at the Gloria Patri. The western mass form, however, would include a repetition of the antiphon following the Gloria Patri.

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West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod
℅ St. Paul Lutheran Church, 309 Baldwin Street, Morgantown, WV 26505
304-363-4030  +  Porter@WV-WMD.org

Last update: 8 December 2024