West Virginia - Western Maryland Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Social Ministry
  30 September 2024

Page Contents
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We also use Facebook to share information. If you have a Facebook account, you can check us out on the WV-WMD Synod Facebook page.
Headline News

Hurricane FlagHurricane Helene


Right now financial contributions are needed more than people cluttering up roads trying to get in. Places to donate include but are not limited to:

Feel free to share this information.


Dn. Mary Sanders, Executive Director of Community Lutheran Partners, Inc., may be asked to deploy with a United Methodist response team. If so, she can take one or two people with her.

  • Healthy/able to do some work.
  • Tetanus/Hepatitis A and B vaccinations
  • Safety shoes/boots (and a pair of tennis shoes for possible roof work)
  • Leather and/or rubber gloves
  • Eye protection/Safety glasses
  • Hearing protection
  • Masks for dust/mold protection
  • Safety/hard hat
  • Knife/boxcutter
  • Preferred shovel
  • Flashlight/batteries.

If you are interested in going, contact Sanders at clpwvwmd@gmail.com or 304-506-3158.

Community Lutheran Partners, Inc.

You can visit Community Lutheran Partners, Inc., on Facebook. You may reach the Executive Director, The Rev. Dn. Mary Sanders, at
clpwvwmd@gmail.com or 304-506-3158.

Churchwide Ministries


Lutheran Disaster Response

Lutheran Disaster Response works in our neighborhood and around the world. To learn more about how you can support the work, visit the Lutheran Disaster Response website at https://www.elca.org/disaster. You can also follow Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook by visiting its Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ELCALDR/) and hitting the "like" button.

LIRSLutheran Immigration & Refugee Services

From LIRS.org, "For over 80 years, Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service has resettled refugees, reunited families & rekindled dreams." The history of Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services has its roots in the American Lutheran response to the suffering occasioned by The Great War. Rather than digesting it for you here, we invite you to explore this history at LIRS History page


Organized by the synod DEM, a Racial Justice Team has been at work for roughly nine-months. A dedicated page for the racism-related, under the title, "Racial Justice Team," is now up. You can visit at http://wv-wmd.org/socmin/racism.html.


If you were wondering what happened to the Scouting section of this page, you will now find it over on the Camping Ministry page.

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West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod, ℅ St. Paul Lutheran Church, 309 Baldwin Street, Morgantown, WV 26505
304-363-4030  +  Porter@WV-WMD.org