- Synod Polity
- Polity for Congregations
- Workshops & Presentations
Welcome to the newly (re)designed
constellation of pages for all matters related to polity.
This is a landing page. You find links to information
related to both synodical and congregational polity.
Synod Polity
here to access
- synodical governing documents (Constitution, Bylaws, etc.),
- Synod Council and Synod Assembly information, and
- directories of synod officers, councilors, committee
members, and appointees.
Polity for Congregations
Click here to access
- information on congregational constitutions (including
updating and amending)
- tips for parliamentary procedure
- property matters, and more...
Workshops & Presentations
The WV-WMD Synod offers workshops and presentations for
congregations on a variety of topics, including matters of
polity. The following are currently available, but more
will be added as time goes on. If there is something you
would like to see that is not listed, contact Bishop
Riegel. To make arrangements for a presentation or
workshop, email Bishop Riegel (
- Intro to Roberts Rules of Order
- Increasing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Council
- Managing Your Membership Rolls
- Updating Constitutions & Bylaws
In addition, United Lutheran Seminary periodically offers
polity-oriented educational programs.
Events that have been scheduled can be found on the
synod's Education for Clergy
& Laity page.
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Try refreshing your page. Most browsers cache pages for
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announcement about something being added to the page but
can't find it, it could be browser caching. By refreshing
your page, you can force your browser to download the most
recent version from the server---well, most of the time.
West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod, ℅
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 309 Baldwin Stee, Morgantown, WV
304-363-4030 +