Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church
West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod

Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church
on ELCA website

The 2022 Churchwide Assembly ordered the creation of the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, and five months later the Church Council of the ELCA announced a nominations process for appointment to the commission. The WV-WMD Synod Council, in response and as part of the nomination process, ordered a town hall meeting on matters related to the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church so that attendees could receive background information, ask questions, and discuss making nominations for the commission with the intent that it would assist Synod Council in its deliberations. This was held Saturday, 25 February 2023. This page was originally developed to provide advance materials and resources for that town hall.


Synod Council ordered the bishop to provide appropriate resources in advance of the town hall. The rest of this page includes a synopsis of the actions taken by the Churchwide Assembly 2022, the Church Council of the ELCA, and the Executive Committee of the Church Council of the ELCA.

The following is curated for your consideration.

Other resources may be added over time, so check back. Additionally, if you would like to suggest a resource, contact +Riegel.

Commissioners from WV-WMD
Laurel Muhly-Alexander
The Rt. Rev. Matthew Lynn Riegel, S.T.M.

Commission Membership

Commitment and Expectations

The Executive Committee of the ELCA published an outline of the commitment &expectations of members of the commission in the document, Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church: Information About Commitment and Expectations for Commission Members.


Both the open nominations and the Synod Council nominations closed on 9 March 2023. A total of seven nominations of members of the WV-WMD Synod were received by the Churchwide Office through the open nominations process. It is possible that members of the synod nominated individuals who are not synod members; we would have no report of that. The WV-WMD Synod Council nominated The Rev. Jason Felici and The Rev. Ben Erzkus.


On 20 April 2023, the Church Council appointed the members of the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, among them Ms. Laurel Muhly-Alexander and The Rt. Rev. Matthew Lynn Riegel. Both Muhly-Alexander and Riegel appear to have been appointed form among the pool of nominees submitted in the open nominations process. For a list of all appointeed, visit the ELCA's CRLC page.

Churchwide Actions

Churchwide Assembly 2022

Action taken by Churchwide Assembly 2022:

CA22.01.06. To receive with gratitude the memorials from the Northern TexasNorthern Louisiana Synod, Metropolitan Chicago Synod, Northeastern Ohio Synod, Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Allegheny Synod, Lower Susquehanna Synod, Delaware-Maryland Synod, Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod, and West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod concerning the restructure of the ELCA’s governance; and

To direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church comprised of leaders of diverse representation from all three expressions that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the statements of purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the principles of its organizational structure, and all matters pertaining thereunto, being particularly attentive to our shared commitment to dismantle racism, and will present its findings and recommendations to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.(Carried 738-72)

It should be noted that the memorial advanced to Churchwide Assembly by the WV-WMD Synod was not identical to that which was adopted by Churchwide Assembly. The resolving paragraph of the WV-WMD text is as follows (for full text, click here):

Resolved, That the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod in assembly memorialize the 2022 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Church in America to direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the Statements of Purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the Principles of Organization, and all matters pertaining thereunto, presenting its findings to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.

It should also be noted that the Northern TexasNorthern Louisiana Synod, Northeastern Ohio Synod, Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, Allegheny Synod, Lower Susquehanna Synod, and Delaware-Maryland Synod all advanced memorials substantively identical in the resolving paragraph to that of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod. The Metropolitan Chicago Synod and the Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod, however, included an additional directive element, and it is the version advanced by these two last synods that was adopted by the Churchwide Assembly.

The Memorials Committee of the Churchwide Assembly recommended the following operative action in its initial report:

To refer the memorials to the Church Council for further deliberation and definition, specifically to determine the goals and boundaries of any proposed changes to the constitution, especially those related to Chapters 4 and 5; the need for a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church; and the need and scope of any proposed reconstituting convention, with recommendations to be presented to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.

You can review the background information provided by the Memorials Committee in the published Report of the Memorials Committee (see p.48).

During the course of the Churchwide Assembly, the permitted petition was submitted to request substitution for the recommendation of the Memorials Committee. The Memorials Committee, in response, moved the substitute operative:

To direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church comprised of leaders of diverse representation from all three expressions that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the statements of purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the principles of its organizational structure, and all matters pertaining thereunto, being particularly attentive to our shared commitment to dismantle racism, and will present its findings and recommendations to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.

There was debate and amendment on the floor and one minor amendment, the insertion of the word, "possible." You may review the legislative update (see p.4).

Church Council of the ELCA

Action taken by the Church Council of the ELCA at its first meeting following Churchwide Assembly 2022:

CC22.11.38 To establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church consisting of no more than 35 voting members, directing the Executive Committee of the Church Council to initiate the process of forming the commission, fulfilling the responsibilities of the Church Council related to nominations in accordance with 14.41.01.c., and receiving nominations to fill positions allocated in the following manner:
  • Three voting members from each region for a total of 27, two of whom will be selected from nominations received by each Synod Council or Synod Council Executive Committee and one of whom will be received through an open nomination process;
  • Each Synod Council or Synod Council Executive Committee will be invited to submit two potential nominees;
  • Up to 8 at-large voting members will be selected from either the synod nominations or the open nomination process;
To populate the commission according to the representational principles of this church, requiring that at least 25% of the commission be persons of color/primary language other than English; and striving for at least 20% of members to be youth/young adults;

To request the nomination process be completed prior to the April 2023 Church Council meeting, presenting a slate of nominees to the Church Council for action; and

To invite this church to join us in prayer as this church embarks on this process of renewal.(Carried)

Executive Committee of the ELCA

Though we do not have in our possession the minutes of the Executive Committee of ELCA, we are informed of the following as the course mapped out by the Executive Committee of the ELCA.

  • The nomination process will open on Jan. 9 and close on March 9, 2023. Each synod is invited to nominate up to two people to be considered for appointment.
  • Two individuals in each region who have been nominated by their synods will be appointed for service.
  • In addition, a third individual from each region and up to 8 at-large members will be appointed from among the synod nominations and the open nomination process.
  • The Executive Committee will present a slate of nominees for the Church Council to consider at its 20 April 2023 online meeting.
  • The Office of the Secretary staff will notify members of their appointment.
  • The first meeting of the CRLC will be held in-person 13-15 July 2023 at the Lutheran Center in Chicago.

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Last updated: 22 March 2024